Sustainability @ The Dice
At the Dice, we do all we can to be sustainable. We believe in doing our bit to keep our impact on the world as low as we can. Here are just some of the things we do to keep our business environmentally friendly:
Board games are typically recyclable because most of their pieces, boards, and packaging are made from cardboard. However, there is an issue with the film they come wrapped in. We are advocating for manufacturers to address this concern and are actively campaigning for change.
In a recent review conducted by the Adelaide City Council on our waste management practices, we were pleased to receive top marks for our efficiency and sustainability efforts.
Waste Assessment
“Well done! You are already handling your waste streams to the best of your ability. The next step is to try to reduce your general waste even further by asking your suppliers to use less packaging.” We are certainly working on this.
Emissions from your waste
“Based on provided data (photos, anecdotal evidence, estimations and measurements), it is estimated that your business diverts approximately 92% of your total waste from landfill.”
Please check with your local council to find out their preferred method for handling bottle caps.
Our food and drinks are locally sourced wherever possible. We use local craft and microbrews, local meat, local veg and local wine. We also support local games suppliers and manufacturers to reduce the carbon footprint that comes from transport.
We also use recyclable or reusable products wherever we can, including paper straws, compostable coffee cups, and paper bags. Scrap paper from old menus or flyers becomes your Scrabble scoresheet or scrap pad for Balderdash.
We recycle all we possibly can. This we achieve by separating waste.
~ Local people pick up cans with 10c on them. This helps support some of our less fortunate fellows in the area.
~ Glass goes in the recycle bin or is repurposed.
~ Food scraps, napkins, straws, toilet hand towels, and coffee grounds go to compost.
~ Thin plastic and hard plastic are sent to be recycled. Hopefully, a solution will be found for thin plastics, which we are trying to avoid as much as possible.
~ Used frying oil is turned into biofuel.
~ We take all our metal scraps to be recycled like a frying pan that’s come to the end of its life and donate proceeds to Greenpeace
~ This results in us using only one domestic-sized bin a week. Sometimes, this is not even full!
~ One example is separating our milk bottle tops into one container. This helps the recycling plant, as they can throw one container with multiple items into the correct bin. (Check your local policy for an update on putting your tops into one container.)
~ We also collaborate closely with our suppliers to actively minimize waste and firmly stand against receiving products that come in unsustainable packaging. This commitment is continuous, and it is incumbent upon all of us to take a stand against using environmentally harmful products.
~ Jon cycles most days to work and back on his E-bike, and this is now solar-powered 🚴🏼♀️💨 ☀️