The Dragon & Flagon
Featured Game of the Week:
By Tim Everton 2021
“So you wanna fight huh? Here, hold my Beer…”
You are a sojourner in the middle of one of your adventures and manage to find your way to a little place called The Red Dragon Inn in the middle of town. No sooner have you sat down with your tall, frothy brew that a fight breaks out! Suddenly punches are thrown, pints are being hurled and chairs are smashed atop of heads, who started it? Who knows? Some of the uncouth locals would even say, “Who cares?!” All that you know at this point is that you're in the middle of a pub brawl and to keep your reputation as a seasoned adventurer you have to fight!
The Dragon & Flagon is a fantasy-themed programming game for up to 8 players. For those of you new to programming games, gameplay begins with programming how you want the action to play out in front of you (either via cards, tokens or in-game abilities) once players have all ‘programmed’ their moves, then the actions play out via these cards in order.
The Red Dragon Inn
“Now.... where’s my pint!”
This can lead to you landing a perfectly planned combo, swinging on the nearest chandelier and then smashing your closest friend over the head with a chair, watching all of his reputation points come jingling to the floor… OR you may end up throwing your stein at the wall, fly-kicking the nearest candelabra and ending up with nothing but cold wax all over you and a saldy wasted turn. The choice is yours…. Or is it? Because in this game your best-laid plans can go either way.
This game has a whopping 8 fantasy-themed characters to choose from, each with their own special fighting moves and abilities. The game features great 3D items such as chairs, rugs, barrels, tables and mugs (all to be jumped off, kicked, smashed, rolled and thrown) you can also set up the play area (pub) in any configuration you choose. The game also features the magical Dragon Flagon, once picked up this chalice unlocks your player’s special ability which can definitely help you out of a jam and bump up your fighting prowess, until it gets knocked from your hand that is.
If you like a bit of silly randomness with some level of skill involved or if the theme of pub-brawling with your mates floats your boat then this game is for you! Don’t expect super-deep strategy or being able to plan three turns ahead though, as I said in this game the action can flip on a dime. Which is what makes this game both frustrating AND hilarious... especially after a few pints!
Colt Express is another popular programming game in this genre, so if you enjoy Colt Express (and it’s relative simplicity) then this would be the next level up in regards to programming complexity and strategy for you. A great ‘beer and pretzels’ game.
Players 2 – 8
60 mins (longer if beer is involved)
Ages 10+
Tim Everton 2021.